Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Broviac Catheter

Right when Jake left for surgery around 3:00PM the power went out to the hospital. The back up generator came on and the fire alarms starting to go off. Turns out workers, across the street working, cut power line. The AC of the hospital went off too. It was so hot in here. 

We got word from the surgeon that they wouldn't start his surgery until they got the clear. Tony and I ate at the "yummy" cafeteria and came back around 5PM. Jake was already back and they all said he did awesome. Prayers do work! Thanks to everyone thinking of Jake and praying. 

We are waiting for the ventilator to come out. The nurses and doctors will be taking it out tonight. They will wean him off sedation first, let him wake up. The other IV's (head, foot, and hand) will come out when they stop working on little baby veins. Once the ventilator comes out, his swelling should be going down. So sad to see his eyes swollen shut. 

They noticed he had mucus build up in his lungs, they attached a breathing treatment on him and shook him. I got a video  of it. He didn't mind it because he was sleeping.

Sitting here in his room, it is so hot in here. No air flow. Hope i can get some sleep tonight on this hard bed/couch. 

Thank you to everyone with all the kind words and prayers. It is nice to know how many people actually care about my little one and family. 


  1. I feel for you hun. Those beds suck. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Hope you all get to come home soon.
