It's been awhile i know. We have had a busy summer. Work, Feeds, percussions, diaper changes and smiles. I feel so bad that we leave Gracie out sometimes. She loves her brother so much. Always looking for him and concerned when he cries. She stopped eating his diapers. I think she learned her lesson. Here is Jake getting his percussions last night.They are easy to do when he is in his chair or swing. Dayton Children's got us the very heavy, long vibrating machine with the cup on the end. It is used over his lungs to break up any mucus. He likes for us to do this on him. All smiles when I talk to him.
Here is Tony and I wearing out DCH tshirts. You can buy these in their gift shop. All proceeds go to DC. Only $12 not much. And you can order any color.
Last Saturday, we went and met my cousin in Richmond, IN Cracker Barrel. She let us borrow her son's rock 'n Play. Let me tell you that was a God sent! Her son Lincoln slept it in until now. He is five months old. Jake got to meet his second cousin Lincoln. Probably didn't know who he was. I can't wait till they get older so they can play together and not look at each other in their car seats. Tony, mom and Cathrine's mom, Fran came also.
Here i am with Lincoln. He is five months here. 16 pounds. A lot heavier than Jake.
Here is Cathrine with Jake. Yes, Cameron, she has a Butler T-shirt on! He was OK. Not wanting his photo taken tho. He was hungry.
Here he is in the Rock 'N Play. Not sure what its all about, but he did sleep for 8 hours the first night and the rest of the week he has slept through the night. 8PM is when he likes to go to bed and then wake up around 5AM to eat. He then usually goes back to bed after his bottle for another hour.
This was taken over at the Langer's house. Julie was holding him talking to him. No laugh yet but ill take the smiles. He is ticklish under his arm pits. Who isn't?
His new dog hat.
Aunt Sarah, feeding and Cousin Addison. Who is a great baby sitter! Jake started to smile at her when she sang to him.
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