Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Little Jacob loves to eat. Eating every two hours now. Four-five ounces. He is going through a growth spurt.  He is cooing and chatting back to you. He is sleeping better at night. Right before we lay him down he will eat five ounces and then wake up around 1-2 am. Then again at 5 or 6 to eat. Then usually he will go back to bed in his swing until the next feeding. 

Here is my favorite picture my mom text me while she was sitting him on Monday. He is such a happy baby. Getting so much love from everyone. 

Here he is napping this morning. When he is napping in the morning you are on the couch napping next to him. I am still tired tho. I need an 8 hour night with no interruptions. He started to rub his face on you and bury it in your arm pit. He likes to fall asleep like this. When you have him on his stomach, he bounces with his legs. Pushes on your thighs. He is a very strong little man. 

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